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No More Double Chin Selfies

Posted in KYBELLA®, Non-Surgical Fat Reduction, truSculpt®

Woman taking photo of herselfMost of us can identify with the disappointment of looking at a selfie only to notice a double chin. It doesn’t take much submental fullness for your chin to stick out in photos, and it often feels as though the camera is zooming in to highlight it.

A double chin is one of the most common concerns among men and women (and not just those who are frustrated with their selfie pics). Unfortunately, having submental fullness can contribute to an aged appearance and even make you look heavier than you are. Submental fullness can occur for many different reasons, including weight gain, genetics, and aging, and, unfortunately, it isn’t always possible to get rid of it on your own with diet and exercise.

To combat the devious double chin, many women and men are turning to non-surgical cosmetic procedures.


KYBELLA® offers a revolutionary approach to getting rid of the unwanted fat beneath the chin. This injectable treatment is the only FDA-approved injectable for getting rid of submental fullness.

KYBELLA® often requires a series of two to six treatment sessions; however, once the fat beneath the chin is destroyed, it’s gone for good, and touch-up treatments are rarely required. This injectable works because it contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, which is naturally found in the body and responsible for digesting dietary fat.

When KYBELLA® is injected under the chin, it reacts in the same way and absorbs the unwanted submental fat. This treatment is non-surgical, requires no downtime, and causes minimal discomfort. Patients may experience some temporary swelling, redness, and firmness in the chin area, but this will soon remedy itself. KYBELLA® is a stress-free and effective way to say goodbye to that double chin!


Another non-invasive approach to removing the unwanted fullness beneath the chin is truSculpt®, which relies on radiofrequency pulses to destroy unwanted fat. This radiofrequency energy can heat even the deeper layers of tissue to break down the unwanted fat cells, and once it damages these fat cells, your body naturally eliminates them.

TruSculpt® works to remove fat that is resistant to diet and exercise, such as fat under the chin, and results can start being seen soon after your first treatment and continue to improve over the next few weeks and months. Typically, multiple treatments are necessary.

To learn more about how these procedures can eliminate your double chin, contact The Spa at Spring Ridge by calling (610) 927-3223 to set up a consultation.