Laser Services
Acne laser therapies are professionally optimized to offer patients unprecedented results when eliminating blemishes caused by clogged pores, overactive pores, acne scarring, uneven pigmentation, and more. At our location, we prioritize patient care by providing some of the latest technology in acne treatment. Patients have the option of choosing non-ablative methods of correction, exclusive picosecond aesthetic lasers, and deep penetrating lasers that can be fully customized to suit your needs.
Many of these acne laser therapies don’t just work to rejuvenate the skin from acne damage alone. With the PicoSure® FOCUS™ Lens Array or the Icon™ 1540 Laser Fractional Non-Ablative Laser, patients can experience dramatic improvements in their overall skin quality and find their collagen restored for the maximum formation of healthy skin tissue and healthy pores. The 1040nm Laser Genesis is also very effective in decreasing the acne-causing bacteria. If you are unsure which acne laser is right for you, Dr. Schlechter and our licensed aestheticians will create open and helpful dialogues to ensure your dream results become a reality.