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Achieve Permanently Smooth, Hairless Skin With Laser Hair Removal

Posted in Laser Hair Removal

The endless cycle of shaving or waxing only to have body and facial hair regrow within mere hours or days can be exhausting. With laser hair removal, this cycle can come to a definitive end. Using advanced technology, patients of all skin types can undergo laser hair removal at the Spa at Spring Ridge to achieve permanently smooth, hairless skin.

Laser Hair Removal With Advanced Technology

Woman's beautiful legsInnovative technology has allowed our laser hair removal treatments to work for patients of all skin types. To accommodate every patient’s needs, we utilize the following laser systems for hair removal:

No matter your skin type, hair type, or needs, our specialists at the Spa at Spring Ridge can use these advanced lasers to remove hair and give you smooth, soft skin.

For All Skin Types

With older laser hair removal technology, only patients with fair skin and dark hair could achieve desirable results. Candidates who did not fit this description either did not qualify for treatment or could undergo treatment for mediocre results. Now, using revolutionary technology, patients of any skin type (even tanned skin or dark skin) can undergo safe and effective laser hair removal treatment. Our skilled and experienced aesthetician will devise a customized laser hair removal treatment using our state-of-the-art lasers to give you the results you desire.

What to Expect

Your laser hair removal experience at the Spa at Spring Ridge will be comfortable and virtually painless. The advanced laser treatment you undergo will direct laser energy to the hair follicles until they can no longer produce new hairs. The result is smoother and cleaner skin with significantly reduced hair growth. While a few patients may observe some hair regrowth after treatment, this hair regrowth will be far less noticeable than it was before the treatment. Typically, multiple treatments are recommended to achieve the greatest results. Our spa specialists can help you design the ideal treatment plan to produce the results you seek from laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal with our advanced technologies at the Spa at Spring Ridge can help you achieve permanently smooth and hairless skin. To schedule your appointment, please call (610) 927-3223 or contact us online today.